Wastefront Leads the Way in Producing Sustainable Aviation Fuel from Recycled Tyres

Norwegian company Wastefront is pioneering efforts to produce Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) from worn-out car tyres. This innovative approach not only promises to reduce carbon emissions in aviation but also addresses significant waste management challenges.

Wastefront Leads the Way in Producing Sustainable Aviation Fuel from Recycled Tyres
Wastefront Leads the Way in Producing Sustainable Aviation Fuel from Recycled Tyres
July 5, 2024

A Novel Approach to SAF Production

Wastefront, based in Sunderland, UK, is employing a cutting-edge method to convert end-of-life tyres into SAF. The process involves heating tyres to 500 degrees Celsius in pyrolytic modules without the presence of oxygen. This thermal decomposition breaks down the tyres into oil, soot, and gas. The oil extracted serves as a vital feedstock for SAF production, while the generated gas powers the process, enhancing its energy efficiency.

Significant Potential Impact

The potential impact of this technology is substantial. A single Wastefront plant can process 80,000 tonnes of tyres annually. If this process were scaled across the UK, it could consume the nation’s entire stock of used tyres, producing 110,000 tonnes of SAF each year. This output would meet 1% of the UK's aviation fuel demand, a tenfold increase over the current volume of SAF available in the country.

Supporting the UK Government’s SAF Goals

The UK Government has set an ambitious target to ensure that 10% of all jet fuel used in flights departing from the UK comes from SAF by 2030. Wastefront’s initiative aligns perfectly with this objective, contributing significantly to the country's sustainability goals. By converting waste tyres into valuable aviation fuel, Wastefront can play a crucial role in meeting this target, demonstrating the viability and scalability of innovative SAF production methods.

Environmental Benefits

The environmental benefits of converting tyres into SAF are manifold. This process significantly reduces carbon emissions in the aviation sector, aligning with the industry's goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Additionally, it provides a sustainable solution for tyre waste management, preventing the incineration of tyres in highly polluting cement plants or their disposal in landfills.

Technical Feasibility and Challenges

SAF produced from tyre pyrolysis oil can be used in gas turbine engines, either in its pure form or blended with conventional jet fuel. Its high heating value makes it suitable for use without significant modifications to existing engines. However, challenges remain, such as higher fuel consumption compared to conventional jet fuel and increased NOx emissions. Despite these hurdles, the emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and total hydrocarbons (THC) are comparable to those of traditional jet fuel.

Market Viability and Industry Support

Recent changes in regulations, such as the UK's renewable transport fuel obligation, have created a favourable market environment for tyre-to-oil producers. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has expressed support for the inclusion of additional feedstocks for SAF production, recognising the strategic value in Wastefront’s innovative approach.

A Promising Future for Tyre Recycling and Aviation

Wastefront's pioneering efforts in producing SAF from recycled tyres represent a promising convergence of environmental sustainability and industrial innovation. By addressing both waste management and renewable fuel production, this initiative holds significant promise for future development within the aviation sector. The tyre industry, with its critical role in this process, stands to benefit from the advancements and opportunities presented by this sustainable technology. As the UK aims to achieve its SAF usage goals by 2030, Wastefront’s contribution could be instrumental in shaping a greener future for aviation.


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