Marangoni Tyres Cut CO2 by 74% with Retreading Innovation

In a groundbreaking study supported by the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Trento, Marangoni has showcased the significant environmental benefits of retreaded tyres, particularly their RINGTREAD BLACKLINE WSS 300 M model.

This comprehensive life cycle assessment reveals not just the expected reductions in energy and resource consumption but quantifies these benefits in a way that underscores the potential of retreaded tyres to revolutionise the industry and contribute to environmental sustainability.

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Marangoni : Example life cycle assessment for retreaded tyres.
Published on
March 4, 2024

Retreaded tyres, often overlooked in favour of new ones, are emerging as the eco-friendly champions of the road. The study compared the environmental impact of a retreaded 385/65R22.5 truck tyre with that of a new tyre for the same application, yielding results that are as surprising as they are promising. The assessment covered eleven environmental categories, with retreaded tyres showing superior performance in each.

The findings are compelling: CO2 emissions for retreaded tyres are 74% lower than their new counterparts, equating to a reduction of 310 kg of CO2 per tyre. This figure alone should give pause to anyone concerned with the global warming crisis. Furthermore, the study shows a 77% decrease in the impact on fossil resources (RU-E) and a 75% reduction in the resource impact index for raw material extraction (RU-MM). Other notable improvements include a 55% reduction in particulate matter emissions (PM10), an 83% decrease in water consumption (WS), and significant reductions in acidification of precipitation (AP) and depletion of the ozone layer (ODP).

This study, adhering to the stringent requirements of the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standards, leverages the SimaPro Version 9.4 Multi User software for its analysis, ensuring the reliability and accuracy of its findings. The assumptions underlying the assessment, including the equivalence of rolling resistance and mileage between new and retreaded tyres, underscore the viability of retreaded tyres as not only environmentally preferable but also performance-wise on par with new tyres.

Marangoni's initiative to conduct and publish these findings sends a clear message about the importance of considering retreaded tyres as a viable, eco-friendly alternative to new tyres. The significant reductions in CO2 emissions and resource consumption demonstrated by this study highlight the untapped potential of tyre retreading in contributing to environmental sustainability. For those seeking to make a positive impact on the planet, the choice between new and retreaded tyres is becoming increasingly clear.

This analysis should serve as a wake-up call to the tyre industry, policymakers, and consumers alike, prompting a reevaluation of how tyre choices affect not just vehicle performance but the planet's health.

As Marangoni's study shows, embracing retreaded tyres is a step forward in the journey towards a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future.

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