Michelin 45% Sustainable Tyre Wins the Prestigious Automotive INNOVATIONS Award 2023

Michelin, has been honoured with the coveted Automotive INNOVATIONS Award 2023 in the 'Chassis, Car Body & Exterior' category. The well-deserved recognition comes for their remarkable road-approved car tires that boast an impressive composition of 45% sustainable materials.

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Michelin / PwC Deutschland
Published on
July 18, 2023

The esteemed accolade was presented by the prestigious alliance of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and the Center of Automotive Management (CAM). For over a decade, CAM has been actively engaging in extensive studies with various manufacturers and suppliers to identify and acknowledge the most significant innovations within the automotive industry. The judging panel was composed of distinguished figures hailing from the realms of industry, science, consulting, and specialised media.

© PwC Deutschland

Michelin's Trailblazing Approach to Sustainable Materials Sets a New Standard

A Pioneering Definition of Sustainability

In a world where sustainable materials lack a standardised definition, Michelin has taken it upon themselves to introduce a clear and rigorous understanding. They define sustainable materials as those that are either recycled or renewable over the course of a human lifetime. This visionary approach is driving the Group's efforts to rally the entire industry behind a common and stringent definition of what truly qualifies as sustainable.

Ambitious Vision Extends to All Products

Michelin's commitment to sustainability reaches far beyond their car tires; they aim to extend their sustainable materials strategy to all their products. This endeavour necessitates a profound transformation of methods, tools, and industrial processes. The company acknowledges that embracing this ambitious vision will call for the creation of new sectors and value chains, underscoring their unwavering determination to revolutionise the design and manufacturing processes to safeguard our planet.

Forging Unprecedented Partnerships to Accelerate Research and Innovation

Recognizing the need for agility and fresh expertise in the realm of sustainable materials, Michelin has embarked on a strategic program of targeted partnerships. These alliances are instrumental in advancing breakthrough technologies, particularly in the areas of transformation and recycling. Collaborations with entities such as Pyrowave (r-styrène), Carbios (r-PET), Enviro (rCB), IFPEN/Axens, ADEME (bio-butadiene), and the Empreinte* project have been initiated to boost research and innovation. Additionally, Michelin is actively participating in the BlackCycle and Whitecycle circular economy projects with the support of various European partners and funding from the EU. These initiatives aim to transform end-of-life tires into high-quality raw materials that can be reintegrated into the production of new tires.

A Holistic Approach Throughout the Product's Life Cycle

Michelin leaves no stone unturned when considering the environmental impact of their tires. Their 360° approach comprehensively analyses the entire life cycle of tires, encompassing raw material selection, manufacturing processes, transportation, usage, and recycling solutions, all framed within the principles of eco-design. This holistic approach underscores their commitment to not merely incorporating sustainable materials but acting upon every aspect at each stage of the tire's life cycle.

Honoring Michelin's Pledge: Tires Comprising 100% Sustainable Materials by 2050, With a 40% Target by 2030

The unveiling of the 45% sustainable materials tire in 2022 marked a turning point for Michelin. The technologies showcased in this groundbreaking tire are set to become standard features in tires by 2025. This significant milestone propels Michelin towards the large-scale development and integration of new sustainable materials. It is a testament to the company's relentless pursuit of innovation and dedication to fulfilling its ambitious commitment of achieving global tire production solely through the use of renewable or recycled materials by 2050, with a 40% target by 2030.

Eric Vinesse, the Director of Research and Development and Member of the Group Executive Committee, humbly dedicated the prestigious award to the tireless efforts of the entire R&D department, comprising 6,000 engineers, researchers, chemists, and developers worldwide, whose expertise and dedication have fuelled Michelin's progress towards a sustainable future.

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