Titled "Slower Speed PSI Impact," this article by James Tuschner explores the intriguing phenomenon of tyres carrying the same load at lower air pressure when operated at slower speeds. This revelation challenges traditional beliefs and introduces a paradigm shift that promises enhanced efficiency and sustainability in the field.
Understanding the Dynamics
The key question addressed in the article is: Why can a tyre carry the same load at lower air pressure when running at slower speeds? Industry giants such as Michelin, Ascenso, Maxam, Yokohama TWS, and BKT weigh in on this, shedding light on the intricate science behind tyre performance.
Michelin, a pioneer in the field, emphasises the structural integrity of tyres, revealing that as speed increases, and more significantly as air pressure decreases, the tyre's integrity is compromised. Ascenso delves into the law of coefficient of friction, pointing out that increased speed generates more heat - the tyre's arch-nemesis.
Deflection: The Technical Edge
Chris Neidert, AG Marketing, Training & Development Manager for Trelleborg & Mitas Tyres, introduces the technical aspect of tyre deflection. Pneumatic tyres, designed for flexibility, undergo radial deflection as they bear weight. The unloaded radius versus loaded radius dynamic is crucial in understanding how tyres adapt to different speeds.
Hysteresis and Heat Generation
The article delves into the concept of hysteresis, the energy lost during tyre deformation. Heat generated due to hysteresis is a critical factor influencing tyre performance. Slower speeds allow tyres more time to cool down, mitigating heat-related issues.
Air Pressure and Load Dynamics
Tyre expert David Graden from Michelin explains the correlation between air pressure, speed, and load. Faster speeds demand higher air pressure to maintain structural integrity and prevent excessive deflection. Conversely, slower speeds provide an opportunity to carry more load with lower air pressure, enhancing tyre life and performance.
Revolutionary Technological Solutions
The article showcases revolutionary solutions like Central Tyre Inflation Systems (CTIS) and Cyclical Field Operation (CFO). These technologies enable on-the-go adjustments to tyre pressures, optimising performance based on the application, speed, and load, as explained by industry experts.
VF and IF Technologies: Redefining the Rules
Greg W. Gilland of Maxam Tyre International highlights the superiority of radial tyres in load distribution and heat absorption. The advent of VF (Very High Flexion) and IF (Increased Flexion) technologies allows for lower air pressure without compromising carrying capacity, offering farmers greater flexibility in field operations.
Practical Applications and Future Prospects
The article concludes with practical applications, emphasising the importance of precision inflation systems in reducing soil compaction, increasing yields, and enhancing overall efficiency. It invites readers to explore the detailed load speed tables provided by tyre manufacturers to optimise tyre performance based on specific applications.
For a deeper dive into this transformative revelation, read the full article here: https://agtiretalk.com/slower-speed-psi-impact/
Why can a tyre carry the same load at lower air pressure when running at slower speeds?
The structural integrity of a tyre is compromised less at slower speeds, allowing it to carry the same load with lower air pressure. This is due to reduced heat build-up and improved deflection dynamics.
How does tyre deflection play a role in slower speed performance?
Tyres are designed to be flexible. Slower speeds allow for a slower deflection cycle, giving the tyre more time to cool down between cycles, reducing heat-related issues.
What are the benefits of Central Tyre Inflation Systems (CTIS) and Cyclical Field Operation (CFO)?
CTIS enables on-the-go adjustments to tyre pressures, optimizing performance for different applications and speeds. CFO allows for increased load capacity at slow speeds for a limited distance, enhancing efficiency.
How do VF and IF technologies redefine tyre performance?
VF (Very High Flexion) and IF (Increased Flexion) technologies enable lower air pressure without compromising load capacity, providing greater flexibility for agricultural operations.
Can tyre pressure be adjusted for different speeds and loads without stopping the machinery?
Yes, with advancements like Precision Inflation Systems, tyre pressures can be adjusted on the go, ensuring optimal performance for different speeds and loads without stopping the machinery.
What role does tyre temperature play in performance?
Excessive heat generation due to overloading or overspeeding is a significant threat to tyre failure. Slower speeds reduce heat generation, allowing for higher load capacity without overheating.