Farmer’s Tyre Limited
Burnt Heath Farm, Long Itchington Rd, Offchurch, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV33 9AX
+44 (0) 1926 632269

Sam Moreton & Sons is a long-established family farming business based near Leamington Spa, in the heart of the Warwickshire countryside.

In response to wet farming conditions in 1981, Les Moreton began importing Goodyear Terra tyres from the USA to enable farm machinery to operate on wet terrain for both the family and neighbouring farms.  It was soon realised that there was widespread demand for flotation tyres, the company soon began supplying flotation tyres to both dealers and farmers all across the UK

To support the growing demand for fitting flotation tyres to tractors and agricultural machinery, the company soon commenced manufacturing steel wheels from a workshop at the family farm in Warwickshire. The location remains unchanged today however the facilities have dramatically advanced to meet the increasing developments in agricultural machinery. The purpose-built factory now includes cutting edge machinery such as CNC flatbed laser cutters, CNC milling machines, robot welder, shot blaster, spray paint booths and paint ovens to enable the business to offer a comprehensive range of high quality agricultural wheels.

Farmer's Tyre Ltd as we are now known, has one of the largest stocks of agricultural tyres in the UK and still manufactures wheels in-house to ensure premium quality is always at the core of the business.  Due to this attention to detail, Farmer's Tyre has become a reliable and trusted supplier to a large number of original equipment manufacturers, dealers and farmers throughout the UK, Ireland and further afield.

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